Selecting a gravestone for a loved one is an act of remembrance that can bring much healing and comfort. If you are not sure how to choose the right type of gravestone, here are three basic styles to help you get started.
Flat Headstones
For those who are on a limited budget, a flat headstone is the most affordable choice. These markers are small and lay level with the ground, but there are many ways to personalize them with images, textures and finishes.
Slant Markers
A slant marker is tapered at the top with a wide base. In most cases, they are mounted on a cement or granite foundation for extra stability. If you have a family plot, a slant marker is a perfect way to mark individual graves.
For a more majestic alternative, an obelisk is easy to spot and can still be decorated. These tall Egyptian markers are often adorned with statues or inscriptions, and a square pedestal at the base offers plenty of support.
In the end, it is up to you to carry on the memory of your loved one with a carefully chosen marker. Whether you prefer a simple upright stone or an elaborate marble column, there are a range of affordable options to peruse. Call Meachum’s Memorials at 559-299-2696 for more information about different gravestone styles and designs.